Jim Duffy
In the United States, the average life expectancy is 78; the worldwide life expectancy is slightly lower at 67. However, in Okinawa, the life expectancy is 81 and higher. Research indicates the reason for this is fairly simple: they eat a better diet. In another location, this time the San Blas Islands which are located off of the coast of Panama, high blood pressure and heart disease are very rare (9 in 100,000 compared to 83 per 100,000 in Panama's mainland). (Source: Jaret)
The difference between the Okinawans and the San Blas Islands residents is not genetic or some special medical treatment, it is their diet that keeps them healthier and stronger for far longer than their peers. In the United States, that same benefit is seen in the Seventh Day Adventists who typically eat a vegetarian diet and live, on average, four to seven years longer than those in the same community.